Solar Access and Shading

Shadows from trees and nearby houses or buildings will decrease the energy production from solar panels. KW Solar estimates how productive a solar installation will by using using Aurora Solar’s simulation modeling software. It uses advanced techniques to determine the solar access. Solar Access is a popular way of accounting for shading in solar PV systems. Traditionally, these shade measurements are taken on-site using specialized equipment, but modern software like the Aurora software that KW Solar uses allow us to generate shade reports for our customers.

Solar Access Percentages (or Solar Access Values) were commonly applied to the output of performance simulations as linear derate factors in order to account for the effect of shading on system energy production. Simulation engines, such as Aurora’s, provide an integrated irradiance and performance simulation engine that accurately models the effect of shading on system energy production.

To help mitigate the effects of some shading on a solar array KW Solar Solutions installs Module Level Power Electronics by companies like SolarEdge, Enphase and Chilicon Power.

Please get in touch with us to determine if your home has enough solar access to make solar power a good option for you.

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